I Have a Brain Cloud (and the final day to vote in #PonyFest14!)

Happy Friday Aledan Merfolk! I disappeared for most of the week because I caught the monster cold that’s been going around (apparently the whole country, because I had friends in Maryland and California and a cousin in Colorado with the exact same symptoms), so if you were wondering why your social media streams were suspiciously absent of PonyFest14 nonsense, you can blame my two-sizes-too-big head.

Speaking of PonyFest14 – today is the last day to vote! You have until midnight EST today (Friday) to chose your favorite design here! The winners will be announce Sunday, although I already know who won the Judges Panel vote >: )

And if you missed my post a week ago: I FINISHED THE FIRST DRAFT OF SPEAK THE OCEAN!!!

Mermaid tail ring from Juliana <3
Mermaid tail ring from Juliana <3

The excessive celebration last weekend may be the reason my immune system was so compromised that I was able to catch such a nasty cold 😉 But if that’s the case? Well worth it. Next week I’m going to re-write a couple chapters in the beginning that need work, and do a read-through for typos and easy-to-fix edits, then send it off to my lovely CPs to rip into shreds 🙂 I do so love getting a shredded manuscript back!

And this is pretty much all that my brain-cloud can take right now. Time for some lunch and hot tea to sooth this throat. Don’t forget to vote!

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