#ScienceInSF Guest Post

Happy Wednesday, Aledan Merfolk! I’m happy to say I’m cruising along on the re-write/edit of the first four chapters of StO. The first chapter is finished, and I’m working on the horrible third chapter right now (third chapters are always my difficult chapters). The second and fourth chapters have their fixes plotted out and written on stickies. I hope to be finished by the end of the week, but that’ll depend on how this bar scene in the third chapter goes.

But that’s not really why I’m posting on a random Wednesday. I’m here to tell you Dan Koboldt invited me to write a guest post for his Science In SF series and it posted today! It’s all about Proper Lab Technique – if any part of your novel takes place in a laboratory, check it out and make sure you aren’t misusing a pipette in those scenes. Trust me, as a scientist reading your book things like that stick with you 😉

I didn’t have a chance to get Science Tuesday up yesterday, so I’ll be posting it tomorrow instead. All of Octobers best science news, all in one place on my blog!

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