Guest Post: Which Magical Being from Trinity are You?

Happy Friday, Aledan Merfolk! If you remember back in January, we had a cover reveal for my CP, Colleen Halverson, and her debut paranormal romance, THROUGH THE VEIL (the cover is gorgeous, by the way. Click on the link if you haven’t seen it). So today Colleen is back with a guest post quiz! It may not surprise you to know that I’m a Druid in her world 🙂

In my novel Through the Veil I created three magical races of Ireland: the Faeries, the Druids, and the Fianna. Together, they make up a government system called “Trinity,” which serves to maintain the balance between the Fae and mortal world. Each group has a distinct cultural identity. The Fae are known for their love of art and music. The Druids are the scholars of Trinity, spending their time studying magic and enchantments. The Fianna are the warriors of Trinity, and they police the mortal world from the Dark Fae. Take this quiz and see what magical being from Trinity you are!


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