
Welcome!  I’m Rebecca Enzor, an environmental chemist on Whidbey Island, WA, where I live with my husband, three dogs, two cats, and three chickens. I love mythology, wine, and My Little Pony (although I pre-date “Bronies” by a number of years). Obsessed with everything ocean, I studied fisheries biology in college and electrocuted myself collecting fish in a river, which inspired several key scenes in Speak The Ocean.

My debut novel, SPEAK THE OCEAN (Blackfish meets The Little Mermaid) originally published in July 2019. After receiving the rights to the book back, I have re-debuted as a self-published author.

Want a taste of the book before buying? You can read the first four chapters for free on Ream, and sign up to read chapters of Book Two (See The Depths) as they’re posted!

THE NAMELESS WARRIOR is currently free to read on Wattpad, Royal Road, or Patreon.

For daily updates on my writing and the books I’m reading, follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

Or you can email me: rebeccaenzor@gmail.com

(Speak The Ocean was originally represented by Eric Smith of P.S. Literary and published by Reuts)

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. It is a pleasure to meet you too. Anyone who is an avid fan of Greek Mythology is welcome here! (as is anyone who is not, but they may get bored :P)

    It might be time for a favorite Greek myth blogfest… (or favorite any myth blogfest)

  2. I think Twitter threw me your way because the bird knows we’re supposed to be friends. I write YA fantasy in a room that may contain at least one stuffed Twilight Sparkle. Also, a guy in my critique club is a nuclear engineer and says the same thing about writing. Crazy world.

    Hope writing is going awesome!

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