Science Tuesday: Air-polluting Aliens, Radio Signals from Space, and the Robot That Can Build Itself.

The science news in the beginning of August was very space-heavy, but there are some great non-spacey tidbits in there. Check it out: Researchers: Dinosaurs that shrank quickly were more likely to survive: Dinosaurs that quickly shrank in size during their evolution to becoming birds were better able to adapt and thrive over time, according

Science Tuesday: Air-polluting Aliens, Radio Signals from Space, and the Robot That Can Build Itself. Read More »

Science Tuesday: Drug Lord Hippos, Plants Can Hear, and White Holes.

Happy Tuesday, Aledan Merfolk! It’s been a looooong time since I’ve posted a Science Tuesday, but I went through all my July science emails on Monday and picked out a few gems for you. It’s a long list, so let’s get started! Microtubes made of human protein clears e. coli from water, study suggests Heightened

Science Tuesday: Drug Lord Hippos, Plants Can Hear, and White Holes. Read More »