Happy Friday, Aledan Merfolk! I know the title of the post says One More Month, but it’s actually LESS THAN A MONTH until See The Depths releases!!
The final draft is currently with the copyeditor going through line edits, and I’m looking for ARC readers to post some early reviews and build some excitement. If you’re interested in becoming an ARC reviewer (that’s Advanced Reader Copy), you can fill out this form.
Not sure you can commit to becoming an early reviewer? I’ll have preorders for the print book the next week! (You can already preorder the ebook direct from me or on several of your favorite retailers)
I’ll also be signing books at the Mermaid Festival in Aberdeen, WA the weekend of April 5th & 6th! We had so much fun last year launching Speak The Ocean at the Mermaid Festival, and this year’s launch of See The Depths should be even better! Join us for the festivities!
I hope you’re ready to See The Depths! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Sea the Deprhs?