Happy Friday, Merfolk! I have a few updates for you on this gorgeous Friday, so let’s get to it!
First, I’m hard at work drafting StO2: See The Depths! If you’ve finished StO, you probably have some idea of what that means. And if you’re excited to get a sneak peek at book two, head on over to Ream, where you can read the first chapter now, and subscribe to read the rest as I write it! As of today, we’re up to Chapter 12, and have even had a couple chapters from Jen’s POV 🙂
Second, Speak The Ocean is on sale 50% at Smashwords for the entire month of July, as part of their annual Summer/Winter sale! That’s only $2.49 for an entire book about murderous mermaids and sexy times with the worlds most basic bitch, Finn Jarvis 😉 (my favorite one star review called Finn a basic bitch, and you know what? I love it)
Third, if you’re a Kobo Plus subscriber looking for your next great scifi or fantasy read, I have 200+ suggestions! I’ve teamed up with a group of other indie authors to cross promote our books. I’ve already seen a couple of really promising mermaid reads in the stack: check out Finding Their Mermaid by Cali Mann or The Mer King by Cecily Ann Winters! The promo goes until mid-August, so be sure to check the link as many times as you need to for that tbr!
Have a great weekend, Merfolk!