See The Depths Print Pre-orders!

I told you yesterday I’d have news about StO2 pre-orders within the week, and that news is today!

The pre-order will only be open for a limited time, because I need to know how many books to print before the Mermaid Festival. So if you’re interested in a signed book before I return from the Mermaid Festival (April 5th & 6th in Aberdeen, WA!), make sure you grab a copy while the pre-order window is open 🙂 I’ll add your book to the print order and get it in the mail before the Festival.

Once I’ve returned from the Festival I’ll be selling any copies I couldn’t sell on site, so if you miss the pre-order don’t worry! And of course the book will be available to order at all your favorite stores.

Want an e-book copy instead? You can pre-order that here!

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