Sticky #15

Sticky #15

If you have been reading every week, you already know that I’m a bit of a holistic self-healer (meaning I once had no health insurance and had to find alternative ways to heal myself, and picked up some books on herbal healing and aromatherapy oils).  This works out really well, because I write mostly fantasy/historical novels and like to hurt my characters.  Since they don’t have health insurance either I’ve had to search for ways to heal them. 

This sticky is from Fie Eoin again, and was my little research sheet for herbal remedies for Kindra’s whip marks, after realizing that peppermint oil wouldn’t work (see Sticky #4 for more about peppermint oil and why it wouldn’t work).  Her sister Kaye, who is a priestess in training, uses a concoction of Mother’s Heart and Poplar on Kindra’s fresh wounds (her “mark” as they call it) to stop the bleeding and pain.  The trick was finding a combination that would do the job, but wouldn’t do such a good job as to keep a scar from forming.  We want scar formation for the mark – that’s the whole point of being whipped!

Willow and Wild Thyme, although they didn’t make it into this healing concoction, may show up later in the book.  Like I said, I like hurting my characters, and Kindra is one reckless woman.  She needs healing often.  And actually, willow does show up later, when Gar needs some “ancient aspirin”.  It’s a remedy that a seasoned warrior would know.

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