Awesome Sauce

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Break out the Awesome Sauce – I finished editing the first act of Fie Eoin!

*does a little dance and freaks out the dogs and cats*

My first order of business is to sleep. I’ve already written my Thursday post for the Asiagoans: The Chores of Editing which will post on Thursday at 8am EST! It’s about my editing process, and I think you should check it out to see what I went through this past month.

And then, when I get home from work on Thursday (cause it’s still just barely Weds here) I’m going to play WoW til my fingers bleed. Oh yes, I will. I’ve been staying away from my shiny for the past month (I didn’t even get to see the game all decked out with Valentine’s hearts!) and I think I deserve a nice monster-killing session. Plus, you know I play Kindra in WoW. Let’s not even pretend that my toons aren’t all named after Fie Eoin Characters (and Rebecca, of course, who gets to be a Worgen Warlock). Yep, that’s how I roll.

And now about that sleeping thing I mentioned…

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