Book of Souls

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So, I’ve been teasing you guys with the Top Secret Project for a while (almost a year) as I flesh it out and learn more about the characters. I’m ready to start writing finally, so I’ve decided to make it this year’s NaNo Project. And its name is Book of Souls.

I still can’t tell you a whole lot about the story, because it’s high concept and I don’t want anyone stealing it, but I can give you a general idea of what the book is about. It’s set in a world where reincarnation is the main belief and soul-bonds are the strongest relationships. As I mentioned in my last post, there is no such thing as marriage in this world. There is the soul-bond, which is your relationship with the person you feel most connected to in life – whether that be your best friend, your sibling, your parent, or your mate – and there is your mate, who is there for the purpose of having children. You can dissolve a mating pair quite easily unless that person is your soul-bond (it wouldn’t do to tell your bond that you don’t want to mate with them anymore!), but it’s very difficult to dissolve a soul-bond, as the MCs soon figure out.

Bruges, Belgium from The Mean Girl Diaries

The technology is Renaissance and the Library is most important building in the center of the city, taking the place of the church. They do believe in God, but they believe in knowledge more. The city my characters start out in is Bruges, Belgium, with all of its canals and townhouses, and the city they end up in is Alethia (totally made up), on the banks of the Lethia River (also totally made up, but not by me). On the other side of the city is the Forgetter Territory, and the people on this side of the river are known as Rememberers. At 13 years old every Rememberer has their memories opened to them, and that’s where we’ll start off.

Neona and Sean are the POV characters (Neona would be considered the Main Character, but Sean gets his POV sometimes too, because halfway through Neona…well…let’s just say her POV turns into a jumbled mess and it would be un-readable). Nea’s best friend is Alicia, and she’ll be leaving her soul-bond behind to go on a crazy adventure to Alethia with the other two. And that’s about all I can tell you without giving away a good majority of the plot, and what makes this story so unique.

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