Sticky #22

Sticky #22

It’s a little late in the day, but I did say I would be posting again starting in January – and gosh darn it, it’s January!  I know, how did that happen already?

The first sticky of this year (the first sticky in almost a year, in fact) comes from Phooka Tales, my Nano-Novel from this past November.  I am happy to say NaNo was a success for me this year, even with the added-on responsibility of Co-MLing for my area, and I have to think it was all due to the strange nature of the novel I wrote.  They say write what you know, and Phooka Tales is ripped almost completely from real events that have happened at my job.  At least until the creatures start showing up.

All of the things on the sticky above have come from working in the lab with the interesting mix of people I have worked with over the past few years.  There was actually a girl who never wore socks.  There was a sample that only had a question mark on it instead of a number.  The lab does have a pair of well-used hangover glasses, and the bathroom joke was hilarious.  And it seems that every day something new happens that I want to put into the book, or that inspires me to write the main character just a little bit more insane than I had planned.  If I really thought about it, this sticky could become miles long, so the incidents above were the most memorable and made it into the book.

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