Sticky #32


Happy Father’s Day!  I was looking through my stickies this week, planning on putting up something about a father (or maybe a few stickies about fathers) when I ran across this little gem.  It’s technically not a sticky.  It’s a page in one of my small writing folders, but it is the beginning of the sticky obsession for me.  I realized very early on in NaNoWriMo 2005 that if I didn’t have time to write a whole scene, I could write a little blurb in my notebook or on a scrap piece of paper and it would help me remember later what I was going to write.  Of course scrap paper has a tendency to get lost, so when I got the job at the lab just before NaNo ’06 and I wasn’t allowed to take my notebook in I would write my little notes on the stickies that I always had in my lab coat.  But it was really NaNo ’05 and this “sticky” that started it.

So this week’s “sticky” is from Lane’s Girl, my NaNo ’05 novel, and is one of the last times we see Lane before he becomes a father (and a very good father, even if it is only for several years).  So Happy Father’s Day to Lane, Gar, my own doddy, and all the other father’s out there.

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