Sticky #45


 Happy December everyone!  I am very proud to announce that I not only won NaNoWriMo by writing 50,000 words in November, but I finished Apollo and Daphne at just over 65,000 words on November 30th!  I also managed to be the Municipal Liaison for the Charleston Region, so not only did I write a novel, but I made sure other people wrote their novels as well.  And many of them were able to finish their 50k as well!  I’m very proud of my Wrimos.

Today’s sticky comes straight out of my purse, where it was hanging out all month, waiting for inspiration.  Anytime I had any little idea I wrote it down on the sticky.  This isn’t the only one, but it is the one that has a few different things on it instead of one whole scene.  As it turns out, you can write 166.5 words on a sticky if you write very small.  I’ll have to upload that one next.  This one has ideas from all through the book, and at the bottom is the word count from one day’s writing (that’s a pretty good word count, no?).

And while we are still talking about NaNo, let me take a minute to point you in the direction of Doyce Testerman.  I followed his blog all November long, and it seemed that every time I was having a problem with one thing or another, that was the day that Doyce decided to write about it!  I highly recommend the blog – his latest posts are about NaNo, but you can use them for your writing any time of the year.  So go, read that!  You’ll learn more about writing there then you will reading my little stickies (they are much more about the idea process then the actual writing).

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