Sticky #52

Welcome to Sticky #52 everyone!  This means that I’ve finally put up a year’s worth of stickies (and I’ve only been around for two and a half years, so that’s not bad, right?).  I don’t know why this sticky scanned in so poorly, but it is still readable, and it is about Fie Eoin.

I’ve been working on Fie Eoin for a while now, and while the story is very good and I love the characters, there has always been something missing that I couldn’t put my finger on.  Well, a couple weeks ago in the middle of the writing meme I put my finger on it!  And it was this: the world-view of the characters in Fie Eoin was too modern.  They thought of things more like I did (stop the self-insertions!) but they are not scientists, and they are not modern people.  Their world-view would be completely different then mine.  It would focus on their mythology and legends and pantheon, and they couldn’t not have that world view because that’s all they know (it’s all anyone they have come into contact with knows too).  They can’t not-believe in their gods and legends.  They can ignore them, and they can come to test their beliefs (as both Kaye and Kindra do in the later parts of the book), but they must be written in the beginning with those beliefs intact, in a way that shapes their world-view and their actions.

With this realization in hand I think I’ve finally found the key to unlocking this story.  I can edit with this in mind and make sure everything they do is within the bounds of this world-view.  And that will make them stronger characters, especially when they learn there are other world-views out there.

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