Sticky #55


I’m pretty sure that everyone who writes has that one phrase that they rely on and always turn to in every story.  It’s kind of like having that one character that you kill in every story (what? I’m the only one who does that?).  It’s the fall-back phrase, or something that rings so true for one character, but then also rings true for another character…and another…and that one too.  In any case, I have one of those phrases, and mine is “I’m stronger than you think”.

I don’t know why that’s my go-to phrase of choice.  Maybe because my characters like to fight.  In this sticky, Kaye from Fie Eoin is saying it, but I know Lane Morgan says it in one of the Rebecca Stories, Holly Thompson may not say it in Phooka Tales but she could, and I’m pretty sure one of my newest characters says it also (whether it’s Anna or Neona I can’t say, because I keep getting them confused).  In any case, all of my characters are stronger than you think (except Rebecca, who is weaker than she lets on), and so am I.  It makes me feel good to write that sentence.  It makes me feel – well – strong.  To be inside someone’s head as they challenge another person with their strength – that’s how I’d like to think I am.  I’m the person who is stronger than you think.  I’m the person who has this deep well of strength (whether physical, mental, emotional, ect) that bubbles up at the least expected times.  I’m the one who can finish what you can’t finish and can plow through when everyone else sits out at the sidelines. 

I’m the one who is going to finish against all odds and write this book and EDIT this book and eventually get published.  I know I will.  Because I’m stronger then you think I am.

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