Sticky #59


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I do apologize for not putting up a sticky for the past couple of weeks.  I’ve actually been writing Kaye scenes, and when Kaye finally decides to speak you shut up and listen, because normally her sister drowns her out.  As it turns out, Kaye’s quite chatty when you get her away from her sister, and she’s becoming quite a lovely character.  In the first version of Fie Eoin she was depressed and flighty, but I know that’s not who she really is.  This time around her true character is shining through – fun loving and sweet to everyone until she’s crossed.  She’s got a little temper, but she doesn’t hold grudges like Kindra does.  It’s all forgive and forget and try not to get your wings cut off with Kaye (although she’s not very good at the latter).

Most of the scenes I’m writing are Kaye’s introduction and building relationship with the Faye.  In the original version of FE I mention that they speak with an accent, which seemed like a cop-out way of saying I didn’t want to figure out how they spoke.  So this time (along with figuring out what they eat, where they sleep, and how they dress) I decided to give their “accent” a little more definition, and I decided that since many of them are priestesses they should speak very formally – at least compared to the people in Fie Eoin.  Not only is it another interesting detail to flavor the world, but it also helps the reader distinguish who is talking.  If Bryant or Celeste or any of the other Faye are speaking it will sound very formal (in fact, Kaye makes fun of Bryant at one point for his formal speech, at which point he tells her she speaks like a child), making it easier to figure out who is speaking without littering the scene with dialogue tags. 

As you can see I’m trying to do the same thing with the Gaerloms, but so far all I’ve come up with is “aye”.  I’m trying really hard not to make Timin sound like Jamie Fraser (although having him say “dinna fash” in homage is very tempting!).  Do you have any ideas for things he might say to set him apart?

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