Writing Meme, Day 17

17. Favorite protagonist and why!

Since you all know about Rebecca and Kindra, I’m going to tell you today about Karigan, who seems to have usurped the other two as favorite for the week (this isn’t hard – Karigan seems to gather worlds around her much like Rebecca does, to the point that I’m not sure if Pike’s Revenge is her real world or not).  Karigan is Kindra’s daughter, and much like her mother is training to be a warrior of Fie Eoin.  She’s got a twin brother, Sipi, who isn’t much into the whole “be a warrior like your famous mother” thing, and an almost-sister, Kaylee, who takes after her adopted mother Kaye but was pretty much brought up by Kindra and Gar.  Karigan’s one tough chick – she fights a mountain lion, travels hundreds of miles in search of a cure for a sickness that she and everyone else in Fie Eoin has, juggles the affections of three different men, and even learns a little bit of priestess magic to help her fight.  Like her mother she’s a bit brash and angry, but unlike Kindra she’s not afraid of falling in love (Karigan claims in the beginning of Pike’s Revenge to have a crush on a different warrior/trainee every moon).  Overall, Karigan is a nice mix of Kindra and Kaye with a whole dose of her own imperfections.

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